3 Mistakes Companies Make During The Onboarding Process

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What Mistakes Are Your Team Making During The Onboarding Process?

Onboarding is the process of assimilating new hires into the company culture and values. It’s an important step in ensuring that your new employees are productive, happy, and engaged with their work. However, it’s also easy to make mistakes during the onboarding process. Here are three of the most common mistakes companies make and how to avoid them.

Not Having A Plan

The onboarding process should be carefully planned and structured in order to be effective. Without a plan, you run the risk of overwhelming your new hire with too much information at once or forgetting to cover important topics entirely. What’s more, a lack of planning can make the onboarding process feel disorganized and unprofessional.

To avoid this mistake, take the time to sit down and map out exactly what needs to be accomplished during onboarding. Who will be responsible for each task? What materials need to be prepared in advance? By taking the time to plan ahead, you can ensure that your onboarding process is smooth and effective.

Failing To Communicate Company Culture

Your company culture is one of the most important things you need to communicate to new hires during onboarding. After all, culture is what makes your company unique and attractive to prospective employees. If you fail to communicate your company culture during onboarding, you risk having your new hires feel like they don’t fit in or like they’re not a good fit for the company.

To avoid this mistake, take the time to clearly communicate your company culture during onboarding. This means talking about your company values, how you expect employees to interact with each other and customers, and what the general atmosphere of the workplace is like. By doing so, you can help new hires understand what it means to be part of your company and whether or not they’re a good fit for your organization.

Not Giving Feedback

Giving feedback is an important part of the onboarding process for both managers and new hires. Feedback helps managers identify areas where new hires need improvement and gives employees a chance to ask questions or clarify expectations. Without feedback, it’s easy for misunderstandings to occur or for problems to fester undetected.

To avoid this mistake, set aside time at regular intervals during onboarding (e.g., weekly or biweekly check-ins) to give feedback. This feedback should be both positive (e.g., “I noticed that you’re really quickly adapting to our company culture”) and constructive (e..g,, “I noticed that you haven’t been taking advantage of our team-building exercises”). By giving regular feedback, you can help new hires feel comfortable asking questions and ensure that they’re on track with their development goals.

Onboarding is an important step in ensuring that your new employees are successful at your company. However, it’s also easy to make mistakes during the onboarding process . To avoid making these mistakes, plan ahead, clearly communicate your company culture , and give regular feedback . With these tips, you can set your new hires up for success from their first day on the job. If you’re struggling to find the right hires to integrate into your company, GL Staffing has you covered. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in hiring and onboarding new candidates either online or give us a call at (561) 892-2755.

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